SW830-19盖类模内贴专用机械手是广东思为客科技股份有限公司针对各种盖类的平面、三面、五面贴标开发的模内贴解决方案,具经济高效的特点, 适合各类快餐盒盖、冷饮杯盖、桶盖等各种模内贴盖类的自动化生产。
SW830-19 IML injection robot is an economic IML Solution custom made for the prouction of IML Lids for snack boxex's lids, cold drink containers' lids, buckets'lids etc.
思为客SW830-19系列贴盖专用模内贴机械手采用了全新伺服驱动系统并搭载高度开放的通用化国际接口,可轻松实现与自动化设备或MES系统的集成,方便用 户实现数字化产业升级。
Driven by the up to date servo control system and equipped common interface, the robots are easy to be connected to the MES system or other automation to make a digitalized production system.