思为客SW7系列三轴伺服机械手专门针对锁模力500~4000T级中小型注塑机注塑自动化应用设计,最高负载75KG,高效节能,可以满足产品取出、 堆叠、模内埋镶件等不同注塑自动化应用场景需求,并可根据应用需求加装伺服轴。
SW7 Series 3 axis servo injection robots are designed for injection molding machines with a clamping force from 5000kN ~ 40,000kN, with a payload up to 75kg, it's price smart robot for the injection automation applications such as products picking, stacking and in mold insertion, or install additional servo axis for complex automation application.
思为客SW7系列三轴伺服机械手采用了全新伺服驱动系统并搭载高度开放的通用化国际接口,可轻松实现与自动化设备或MES系统的集成,方便用 户实现数字化产业升级。
Driven by the up to date servo control system and equipped with common interface, the robots are easy to be connected to the MES system or other automation to make a digitalized production system.