思为客上取式餐具多支自动装盒系统是一个多台三轴伺服机械手协同作业案例,在本列中,工程师利用普通三轴伺服机械手完成产品取出堆叠,高速三轴伺服机械手移载 有效的兼顾了效率和成本。一次性餐具从取出到装盒一次完成,有效避免了人工装盒造成的二次污染,保证了食品安全,是餐具出口企业的理想选择。
SWITEK top entry cutlery box packing system is a collaboration robots in an injection automation system. In this system, the engineer have a standard 3 axis servo injecdtion robot to do the picking and stacking, the other high speed 3 axis servo injection robot to move the well stacked cutleries to the packing system. This solution will ensure the system effeciency but reduce the cost. With the cutlery produced automatically from picking to box packing will also help to prevent the secondary pollution during packing and ensure the food safty. In this case, it's an ideal choice for cutlery producers around the world.