瓶盖装箱自动化 | Closure Carton Loading Automation Solution
纯甄瓶盖全自动生产线 | Bottle Closure Production Automation Solution

思为客纯甄瓶盖自动化生产线实现了瓶盖生产过程中从取出、检测、装箱全过程的自动化,单线日产能可以达到80万只。此外,由于自动化 产线在装箱前将瓶盖经过了排列堆叠,每箱的装箱数量从原来约1000只增加到了2000只,不算效率提高降低的生产成本,仅节约的纸箱、仓 储及运费费用单年就可以收回设备的投资成本,具有良好的经济和社会效益。

SWITEK Chunzhen closure production automation system is designed for the production of bottle closures for one of the best loved Yoghurt producdt Chunzhen which has a slim shape bottle. The designed productivity of the system is 800,000pcs/day with picking, inspecting, sorting and carton loading done automatically. With all the closure well arranged and stacked in the carton, the loadability per carton increased from around 1000pcs to 2000pcs. Not mention the benefits from the increased productivity, only with the reduced carton purchase cost, the warehouse cost and the shipping cost will help to recover the cost of the system investment.

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